
Words + colors guide the process... in my studios, classes, and workshops.
When I write or make art, I find the layers and textures of words + colors mimic life— adding depth and dimension to each story. Faces appear as new friends in the studio, often sharing a name with me when they arrive. 'Found words' are tiny bits hand-cut from mostly vintage book pages and help me tell stories. Blackout stories, nestled in the words of others, wait to be discovered.
New stories emerge.
I hope the words and colors inspire you to welcome creativity into your life or rediscover your own passion for creating and help you grow.
the beautiful layers underneath the art... the foundation and spirit of each original piece.

From whimsical to soulful, my art practice focuses on process. Outcome is bonus!
— Robin Le Roy-Kyle
faces are the front page of a person's soul. looking closely reveals so much, yet most people don't take the time to notice.

Wild Thing!